Friday, August 28, 2015

THE Recipes! Veggie Wraps

Veggie Wraps

1 Tortilla

2 oz Spread

1/2 cup Mixed Greens

1/2 cup Broccoli, chopped

1/2 cup Carrots, chopped

2 oz shredded Cheddar


Smear spread over tortilla.

Layer with mixed greens.

Top with Broccoli and Carrots.

Sprinkle with shredded cheddar.

Roll up and enjoy.

Wrap in paper towel to prevent sticking to neighboring wraps.

This is another recipe that was adjusted from the prescribed spread of cream cheese!
Not that there is anything wrong with cream cheese, but I'm really impressed with the Greek yogurt spread!!

This has been a road trip staple for us for the last few years.  They work great for the first day of a backpacking trip, too!
Sometimes I use straight spinach instead of mixed greens, but you really can't go wrong with this wrap.

I think the original recipe also called for ranch dressing and bacon bits, but we try to clean it up once in a while.
Wrapping in a paper towel is a life saver when it comes to easily eating these wraps.  No matter how dry you think they are, they *always* stick to the next one!!

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